About PacketCast
PacketCast is a script for preforming UDP denial of service activities. This software aims to be OS independent, thus is coded in Perl. As well I want this program to be easy to use. It employs a simple, structured progressive menu system that expands and collects information if needed before running the stress test. PacketCast also is multi-thread enabled, allowing more system resources to be used during a test. This effect is best demonstrated on systems with multiple cores or CPU's.

Originally PacketCast started as a Visual .NET project called "Free Agent". I quickly adapted my UDP Flood Engine (Chase Technologies UFE) to run under Linux as it is my OS of choice. PacketCast Ver. 1 was born. Anything after version 1 was designed to be OS independent, and the first public copy was made available from version 4 forward on February 17, 2011.

    Note: Free Agent was developed to disrupt IAX & CitriX transactions at a call center that shall remain nameless... I was highly motivated and successful (evil laugh here).

About Dev

I reside in Atlantic Canada and am currently in on going studies at Eastern College in the Information Technology field. I enjoy programming on the side as a hobby. My first programming language learned was Microsoft Quick Basic when I was young, from there I took it upon myself to learn new languages and self education on computer programming. As far as my development labs go I have 2 systems in my fleet dedicated to the job. Primarily I develop in Fedora Core 14. If you want to know more you can find me on Face Book... http://www.facebook.com/chrchase.

Getting PacketCast

The latest builds can always be found on SourceForge HERE.


The downloads do include operating instructions, change log and other goodies to assist end users. Also there are forums on SourceForge @ http://sourceforge.net/projects/packetcast/forums. Screen shots can be found here... Windows users should be advised that Active Perl is needed to run PacketCast as the MSWin32 environment does not have a Perl Compiler. Active Perl can be found here. Although Active Perl is offered in 2 formats the Free Community version is all you need.

Developers like me need your help too though! If you have bug reports, ideas or comments feel free to make them known... it only helps makes PacketCast stronger. Secondly I always accept Secure PayPal Donations as well. Click Here.